Wettbewerb mit Liedern

„( …) The communication among cultures is the significant part of the communication among nations. Language is the most important part of the culture that allows it to be fully expressed.”
                                                                                        prof. Waldemar Pfeiffer 

14  Pulk  Powstancow  Slaskich   Secondary School in  Wodzislaw Slaski Poland
invites pupils and students to participate
the  XIV edition of international contest “ A POLE IN EUROPE.”
The actual topic is:

“Come back to the magic of the film`s world.”

Patronage :  Dr Jan Olbrycht- the  Member of the  European  Parliament, 
                       Tadeusz SkatuÅ‚a-the head of Local Authority ( Wodzislaw Region)
                     The department of  International Studies at the  Silesian University in Katowice 

Aims of the contest:

    to get knowledge of different cultures and European languages,
    to motivate students to better foreign languages learning,
    to awake students’ cognitive curiosity to get deeper knowledge and language fluency, 
    to develop the ability to search different  source of information, do  the right selection, analysis, comparison and evaluation of  the material gathered,
    to increase the ability to use the foreign language and its compound structure,
    to improve the ITC skills,
    to stimulate the students’ creativity and  engagement,

Rules and form of  the contest:

    the addressees of the contest are students aged 13-19 , who know one of the following foreign languages which are not their native:English, Russian, German, French  

    students   choose a song  from a  film  in one of  the  languages mentioned  above, not longer than 5 minutes to sing. The performance  with any accompaniment : guitar, the sound track etc. should be recorded (  MP3 or WAV ),

    it must be a solist presentation, students prepare all material individually under the teacher`s care
    it is necessary to enclose a short note about a chosen song: from which film  the song is, what  it is  about, the reasons for choosing it. (6-8  sentences in chosen foreign language)

    the song, the note and the contest form  should be sent to the organizer   by e-mail : bogumilasw@gmail.com   or  by traditional post :

I LO im. 14 PuÅ‚ku PowstaÅ„ców ÅšlÄ…skich
44-300 Wodzisław Śląski
ul. Szkolna 1
            “Come back to the magic music film`s world.”-the XIV edition

    The deadline for submissions is  17 th March  2015,
    it is allowed to enroll not more than 2  participants  from one school,
    the performances will be evaluated by professional jury ,
    the winners  will  be  get informed about the results by  e-mail  and will be invited to the Final Celebration of the Contest on 30 th March 2015. The Celebration will take place in 14 Pulk  Powstancow Slaskich  first  Secondary School in Wodzislaw Slaski,  Szkolna Str., 1, Poland 
    the organizers guarantee to cover all the expenses of staying in our town: accommodation, food and cultural events. The costs of the journey to our country are covered by the participants.

    all the participants will be honoured with diplomas and the winners will be awarded with a trip to Brussels and other prizes,

    submitting the form signify the acceptance of the rules of the contest

    Additional information you can get from :
BogumiÅ‚a Ró•aÅ„ska –Åšwierkot
+ 48  693 44 59 55 , e-mail      bogumilasw@gmail.com

                         The contest  form

1.    Surname  and first  name:

2.    Title of  the song and title of the film:
3.    Full school address:


4.    E-mail contact :

5.    Phone contact:
6.    Name of the teacher who prepared student: